Frequently Asked Questions & Policies

Please review the policies below prior to contacting

What is required to become a pack member?

  1. East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD)—Rule Compliance & Temperament:

    Dog(s) must have a solid and consistent history of being polite and social around ALL breeds/ages/sizes of dogs. I can NOT add any dogs with any bite history or aggression issues with other dogs to the pack. Dog(s) must have a solid and consistent history of being polite and social around all humans. Dog(s) already has GREAT recall off leash (even in high distraction situations) and is considered ‘under control’ (see the link here and Ordinance 38 depicted at top of the page). If your dog does not behave this way Already in public spaces with You then I recommend hiring a professional trainer first Before hiring any off leash pack walker.

  2. Health Maintenance & Safety:

    (A) Dog(s) must already be spayed/neutered. Qualifying dogs are welcome on the wait list until they are altered, however priority is given to those who want 5 walks a week.

    (B) Proof of use of monthly oral flea/tick medication & heart worm medication. If you choose to use topical flea/tick meds this must be disclosed and your pup must stay at home the day it is applied as it is a Poison that can be ingested by your dog and others and causes a mess in the van. Oral meds are safer, studies show they are more effective and do not cause skin reactions.

    (C) Additionally, for long haired dogs Only it is required that you maintain a very short coat with a trim/shave of your dog’s fur during Foxtail season (late spring to early fall). This is in order to prevent injury or illness from a foxtail. This policy only applies to dogs who do not have an undercoat and therefore will not have their fur damaged as a result of a trim/shave. Hiring a professional dog groomer for ongoing care is highly recommended every 4 to 6 weeks. This is especially important for any poodle/doodle mixes who tend to have very dry and curly hair that is a magnet for burs and foxtails. During winter months a slightly longer coat is permitted but it should still be maintained at a medium length at most to keep the burs and mud factor low.

    (D) You must provide proof of the following up to date vaccinations (and email the updated vaccination records throughout the entire time you are a pack member)

    -(a) Rabies

    -(b) Distemper, including Leptospirosis

    [usually denoted as DHLPP = Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parainfluenza and Parvovirus]

    -(c) Bordetella [kennel cough]

    -(d) Canine Influenza Vaccine (you must ask your vet for this one as it is usually not a part of the basic vaccine roll call. It is denoted as CIV, which is a separate vaccination from Parainfluenza)

  3. City of Oakland & EBRPD—Law Compliance:

    Dog(s) must have a current

    (a) Dog License tag on their collar/harness at all times while at all EBR Parks (This can easily be acquired in about five minutes online at )

    (b) Rabies vaccine tag on their collar/harness at all times while at all EBR Parks (this tag is provided by your vet when you get the Rabies shot)

    (c) Microchip (You can microchip your dog for $10 here. Also be sure to call the microchip company & confirm they have your most recent address and cell number on file)

  4. Frequency Minimum & Service length:

    I am currently only accepting new pack members who want AT LEAST 3 walks per week. I am looking to add clients who want to form a long term lifestyle of walks for their dog (meaning an initial intention of a year or more of service). A deposit is required after the first trial month is completed and would be forfeited in the case that pack membership is terminated before 6 months of service is reached (see below for more details).

  5. Required Equipment:

    (A) You must have on hand a functional harness (which has a ‘back clip’ or ‘front clip’) before service can begin. It must fit appropriately so that the pup can Not wiggle out of it ever. Once the first trial month has been completed please order this harness with signs on it which is required. The signage says ‘Do Not Pet’ and is used to signal to the public to not pet or distract your dog while on their pack walk. Members of the public often treat pack members like a petting zoo and impede on the pack’s good habits and hiking progress. The majority of other park or trail users create sources of distraction and often reinforce unwanted behaviors like jumping on strangers.

    (B) You must have on hand an ‘Out Fox Field Guard’ which you can purchase HERE using my affiliate link. The field guard is used to prevent foxtail injuries. This equipment will be used during foxtail season which begins typically in April or May and winds down in August although every year is different. Foxtails are a nuisance year round but they are at their height of harm during these months. You must also work with your dog and practice desensitizing them to the safety equipment outside of pack walks. This typically takes about 2 to 3 neighborhood walks wearing the field guard. Together as a team we will work at your dog’s pace to acclimate them to wearing an OutFox Hood during foxtail season. Foxtail injuries are the most dangerous part of dog walks. They are serious and require immediate trips to the Emergency room. Don’t fret your pup can still breathe normally, drink water and enjoy sniffs on pack walks while wearing this harm reduction equipment (just as you can enjoy safer a car ride while wearing a seat belt or bike ride while wearing a helmet).

  6. Knowledge of your pet & Adapting to big changes at home:

    Dog(s) must have been adopted and settled in to its new life with you no less than 2 months prior to joining the pack unless they are puppies. This allows their True personality to be revealed and allows them to be fully settled into their new life with you. I also do not accept dogs who have recently been through a move of the household. If you have recently moved to a new home or your living situation has drastically changed (for example: a new baby has joined the family, or a second dog or new housemate has joined the household) this will usually have a drastic effect on your pet. Please allow at least 2-4 weeks for them to settle into these new changes and routines. Moving boxes, Human’s with higher stress levels, new sounds and smells are all a lot for any new pet to digest and adjust to during this time of transition. I want to set your pup up for a success and not overwhelm them by also having them join a new pack. You are welcome to contact me ahead of time and get added to the wait list however. Congrats on being a responsible and prepared dog owner!


What does ‘polite’ and ‘social’ mean for dogs?

Some examples: No jumping on strangers when meeting them, approaches a new dog calmly without aggression or too much hyper energy as to scare a shy dog away, is non leash reactive. Meaning your dog needs to be socialized enough to understand the basic body language of other dogs, read the signals and respond appropriately.

When you are walking your dog on a trail and a stranger’s dog approaches you how do you want that dog to treat you and your dog?

When is a dog considered under control?

“Dogs are considered under control when they are within direct eyesight of the owner/handler and when they have the ability to quickly return to leash when called. Dogs that annoy, harass, or attack people, wildlife, livestock or other dogs, leashed or unleashed, or which enter leash-required or dog-prohibited areas, are presumed to be not under control.” -East Bay Parks Department, Park Rule

What is the timing for my dog to be picked up and dropped off for pack walks?

I take two groups out a day. All walks happen between 10am and 4:30pm.

I pick up the dogs between 10am-2:30pm and drop off between 11:30-4:30pm. Every day is different since it depends on who is in the pack that day, where we are walking, traffic, weather delays etc. I can Not offer specific walk times other than 10am to 4:30pm window, but for the most part I hit the middle of the afternoon for everybody.

Walk time is 1 hour, but your dog will be out of the house 2 to 4 hours including pick-up and drop-off time. This will vary each day depending on where on the route you are located, who is being walked that day and what trail we are enjoying that day.

I must limit the amount of texting I do while working so please refrain from asking me every day what time I will arrive. I am happy to accommodate timing if there are specific plans and time constraints for specific days, but constant check in's will not be the right fit for me.

Do you walk intact dogs?


The only exception would be puppies very short term, only if there is a scheduled spay/neuter date that can be confirmed and verified. Learn about the benefits of spaying/neutering your pet here.

How do I start service?

Please read the policies on this page, Then fill out the form here OR send an email to OR call or text me at 415-760-1189, ideally during business hours. Please let me know your neighborhood location and briefly describe your dog(s) and leave your contact information. If you and your pup are a good fit we will setup a Free Trial pack walk to see if your dog may be a potential pack member. If the trial walk goes well then we will start service and have a 30 day trial month to make sure we are a good fit for each other. After the first 30 days of service you are now an official pack member (and will need to give 30 days notice to cancel service).

How do cancellations work? How do I hold a spot in the pack? Can I reschedule walks? What is a Subscription Dog Walking Service?

In order to hold a spot in the pack you will need to pay for 90% of the agreed upon service EVEN IF YOU cancel more days than that in one month*. This means you will potentially be paying for walks that are not completed if you choose to cancel—-this is a Subscription Service.

(* = However, if you are only signed up for TWO pack walks a week (the expired minimum, no longer my policy) then you are responsible for 100% of the agreed upon service period. Also for the first 30 days you are required to do 3 walks a week in order to get your dog in sync with the pack. This policy is Only for older pack members as my current minimum is 3 days a week so most can disregard this)

For example if we have walks setup for 5 days a week then the average monthly service is 21 days. 90% of 21 days is 18 days of service (which means you can cancel up to 3 days of walks per month and receive that credit back on the following month’s invoice). If you choose to cancel more than 3 days of walks for that month you will still be responsible for the minimum 90% of service in order to hold a spot in the pack.

You are not just paying for a dog walking service each month, you are RESERVING a LIMITED Spot in the pack.

If you take your dog on vacation with you for an entire month and are signed up for 5 days a week of walks you will still be invoiced for 18 days of service (the 90% minimum). In paying for that minimum you are guaranteeing that when you return from vacation there is still an open spot in the pack for your pup. There are a very limited amount of pack members spots and I am looking to work for folks who are committed to long term relationships and understand the value of being a pack member.

Here is a detailed breakdown for clarity:

5 days per week walks = Average is 21 days of service per month. 90% minimum = 18 days a month. So 3 days of cancellation are allowed per month and will be credited back to you. If you choose to cancel more than 3 days in one month you will not receive further credit back.

4 days per week walks = Average is 17 days of service per month. 90% minimum = 15 days a month. So 2 days of cancellation are allowed and will be credited back to you. If you choose to cancel more than 2 days in one month you will not receive further credit back.

3 days per week walks = Average is 13 days of service per month. 90% minimum = 11 days a month. So 2 days of cancellation are allowed and will be credited back to you. If you choose to cancel more than 2 days in one month you will not receive further credit back.

If you still have further questions I am happy to address with a quick chat.

How will you bill me for walks? What is your late payment policy? How do I make payments?

Yes I email over a monthly invoice 1 to 5 days Before the 1st of every month. Payment is due upon receipt, no exceptions. Think of it like paying rent/gym membership on or before the 1st of every month.

You can make payments using (a) Zelle (which you access via your online banking account of the Zelle app) Or (b) via personal check made out to ‘Earth Girl Dog Walker’. I do not utilize paypal or venmo.

If payment is not received within 5 days of the invoice being emailed over service will be put on Hold and you will continue to be financially responsible for all scheduled walks. If payment is not received within 15 days service will be suspended, a late fee of 1.5% will be added for each day the invoice is past due. Additionally, your spot in the pack may be up for termination.

What is the policy on who’s financially responsible if my dog gets injured during a walk?

Any time you leave the house with your dog there is an inherent risk of something unplanned happening, including dog fights or accidents or foxtails etc. I have an excellent safety record and I have policies and procedures to avoid accidents and scuffles. I do my best to ensure all of my client dogs are already well-socialized with other dogs and people.

Dogs are animals and can be unpredictable at times so accidents/fights can happen. Any injury sustained to your dog during an outing will be your financial responsibility unless their injuries are a direct result of my own behavior/endangerment/negligence.

So what happens if another dog/person attacks my pup during the pack walk? Or if my pup attacks another dog/person during the walk?

If any serious injuries occur I will immediately take your pup to the nearest animal hospital and call you as soon as possible to inform you of the situation. If the injury is not life threatening I will first consult your authorization before proceeding to the animal hospital in case you prefer to wait and consult your usual vet of choice.

In accordance with California State Law if a dog bites a person, the dog’s owner must provide the person who was bitten with their name, address, telephone number, and the name and license tag number of the dog within 48 hours. The dog’s owner, within 48 hours of the bite, must provide the other person with information regarding the status of the animal’s vaccinations.

California is a "Strict Liability" Dog Bite State. This means that an owner cannot escape liability for a dog bite by claiming that they had no idea the dog would act aggressively. The owner is responsible for all damages resulting from a dog bite, even if the dog has never bitten anyone before.

So if any dog attacks your pup while in my care I will get that pet owner’s information so they can pay the bill directly to you (or reimburse me if I cover ER costs). In the case that this individual fails to provide accurate contact information or fails to pay any resulting vet bills it will fall on you to pay for your own pup’s vet bills.

And if your pup attacks another dog/person while in my care I will initially provide my information and consult with you first, before then passing on your contact information for you two to work things out directly without me. Also your dog would most likely no longer be welcome in the pack after that day.

Check out State of California—Animal Related Laws

Do the dogs get dirty/sandy/smelly on walks? Do you brush out weeds from dogs who have long hair?

Whether your dog gets excessively dirty depends on several factors—where I take the dogs, the recent weather patterns, and of course whether your dog enjoys getting dirty or jumping in the ocean/water. Most off-leash trails are dirt roads and therefore, prone to getting muddy on rainy days. Often there are streams or ponds in the areas where I walk. I definitely go to the beach a lot. For sandy beach pups I do a quick towel off before the car ride and usually by the time of drop off they are mostly dry and the sand has fallen off (it is possible an ocean ‘perfume’ may linger though). I do not offer a bath/hose down because your dog went into the ocean.

Although I try to minimize muddy occasions, I can’t guarantee I can always keep playful pups out of puddles.

If your dog does jump in a mud puddle I will send you a text alert. I have extra towels and a small portable shower kit on hand to help ease the mess for puddle lovers. I will do my best to clean off your pup utilizing the tools I have on hand, however I do not offer grooming services. I offer a very informal rinse at the vehicle so your pup may require a full bath with shampoo once you arrive home. I can also hose off your pup at your house if the dirt factor is extreme, but again this will be a quick hose off and a very quick towel off since I have a car full of dogs waiting for me and a schedule to keep. If you require professional grooming services I can drop your pup off at your preferred vendor that you arrange ahead of time and Only if my schedule allows and for an additional taxi fee.

For long haired pups I do try to brush off excessive amounts of burs or weeds. This is quick cursory brush as I have to stick to a schedule and cannot dedicate extra time to any one dog over the rest of the pack for grooming purposes.

Overall, your pup will be having the time of their lives and coming home tired and possibly a little dirty (but not extremely messy so that your house will trashed). If you live in a house with all white carpets and a very high expectation of perfect cleanliness I am probably not the right dog walker for you.

Do you group the dogs by size? How many dogs do you walk at a time?

No. I have extra large, large, medium and small dogs in my pack who get along famously with one another as I don’t take dogs with any aggression issues. For example, my Giant Schnauzer pack member knows how to play gently (with consent) with the much smaller Frenchie. Extra small dogs do travel with me in the front part of the van in a dog car seat. The dogs who prefer not to play and would rather sniff the whole walk also are left alone by the more outgoing pack members who love to wrestle.

I walk six dogs at a time.

Something came up, how far in advance do I need to a cancel walk? I am not happy with the service how do I address this? I am moving how do I cancel my subscription completely? How much notice is required?

At minimum 24 hours notice is required when cancelling a scheduled service, otherwise you will be charged for the full service (unless there are extreme circumstances and no Covid does not count). If short notice cancellations become a common disruptive trend then services may be terminated as a result. Cancellations must be done via phone call or text to 415-760-1189, NOT EMAIL. All cancellations that fall within the credit policy will result in a credit that will be reflected on the invoice for the following month.

If you find you have an issue with the quality of my service please Directly Communicate with me. A quick phone chat can usually clear up most issues and we can work together to find solutions. Long text threads/chains are often detrimental to resolutions since it’s almost impossible to correctly interpret tone and context. Please allow me the opportunity to rectify any issues before completely cancelling. If you are a pack member that means I have invested a lot of my time and energy into improving your pup’s recall, behavior and general symbiosis with the rest of the pack. If after giving me a few chances to rectify complaints you are still dissatisfied and would like to end your subscription completely then 30 days written notice (via email OR text 415-760-1189) is required.

You will be responsible for payment for ALL previously scheduled walks and scheduled service for the remainder of that 30 day period (even if you choose to not utilize those walks). If you are moving away and need to cancel service 30 days notice is still required. If you currently have 3-5 days a week of walks setup then No you cannot reduce service to 2 days a week for the final 30 days.

Do you still walk the dogs when the air is full of smoke and unhealthy? Will I get credit back for cancelled smoke days?

No to both. Now that the climate crisis is in full effect and California has a long and unpredictable fire season it is critical that for the protection of both the health of your pet and myself that we are not exposed to unhealthy air, especially while exercising. You will still be billed for a walk that is cancelled due to unsafe conditions (this applies to earthquake, flooding and any other major disaster that may occur).

Do you still walk the pack on rainy days? Windy/stormy days?

Yes. Pack walks will only be cancelled if it is too dangerous to drive or hike outside due to mudslides/flooding/road closures/closed parks due to falling branches and other unsafe conditions. No credit is given for cancellations due to unsafe conditions and no makeup walks will be granted.

Additionally, if you choose to keep your dog home on rainy days there will be no credit given for your cancellation of service . This is a rain or shine dog walking business. Please be sure to text or call as soon as you have decided to keep your pup at home. I recommend finding a well fitted raincoat or water proof jacket to help your pup feel more comfortable in the rain. All raincoats Must have a slit at the base of the neck of the garment in order to clip on the leash. I will happily towel off any extra moisture or dirty feet before drop off, however pups will most likely come home somewhat damp.

What happens if my dog gets into poison oak on a walk? What about foxtails?

Although I do my best to avoid areas with poison oak I cannot guarantee your dog will not "give" you poison oak after a dog walk. Basically every trail in Oakland/East Bay is covered in poison oak and foxtails.

If you are highly sensitive to poison oak we can work together to help prevent the spread. I recommend making a spray bottle which is filled with 90% water and 10% rubbing alcohol (and labelled). Leave this spray bottle near your front door and I can spray down your dog after each walk and then towel them off. This should help neutralize and remove a lot of poison oak oils that could be transferred.

The only full proof way of preventing a foxtail from penetrating your dogs ears/eyes/nose/mouth is by training your dog to utilize an OutFox Field Guard while on dog walks (these also prevent poop eaters from getting trail snacks). You will need to acclimate your dog to this safety gear over time. This gear only protects their head and not the rest of their body. I do a quick exam of each dog after each walk to check for foxtails. However, I can’t claim that your dog will never come home with a foxtail injury even after I examine them as they can be difficult to find if they are already embedded. Foxtails can be very sneaky so I recommend you fully examine your pet's coat/face/feet during foxtail season every day after their pack walk. Also consider trimming your dog's hair during foxtail season (generally May through December).

You can read more about the dangers of foxtails here.

Will I always get daily photos or report cards?

Yes and no.

Yes I do tend to post photos on a daily basis BUT this is a courtesy, not a guaranteed part of the service.

Earth Girl Dog Walker’s Facebook , Instagram and TikTok accounts are used to post pictures of the pets I take care of. Note: If you do not use social media you can also see the daily photos on the HOME page of this website when you scroll to the bottom. I do Not text each and every client a daily picture, it is available for all online.

It is my policy that my priority on walks is pet safety, followed by pets' exercise and enrichment. This is an especially important prioritization for daily pack walks. Pressing matters like loose stool, mud puddle baths or any other incidents of importance will of course be communicated as they happen directly via text or phone call. I do usually post every day on social media, But again this is not a guarantee.

Regarding ‘report cards’—I will update you via text or phone call of your pups improvements Or regressive behaviors. Direct communication about areas for improvement are what you can expect from me. We are a team working together to help develop your pup into their best self for the long term. I am an extra set of eyes and ears here to help catch the little details that may fall through the cracks of daily dog parentship. However, I am only with them an hour or two a day so the majority of ‘the work’ and skill building will fall to you if behaviors become problematic, bad habits arise or hiring a certified Dog Trainer is needed. I do not create written report cards like a teacher.

Are puppy classes a requirement?

No, but they sure don’t hurt.

Do you do package deals or give discounts if I pay ahead?


I have more than one dog, do I get a discount?


I’m a teacher/seasonal worker and can’t afford to pay for walks during the summer. Do I get a discount?

No. This is a subscription service. If you don’t intend to have walks year round or pay to hold your spot in the pack year round then I am not the right dog walker for you.

What is a Rabies Vaccination?

The rabies vaccine is used to prevent the spread of rabies. Vaccinating dogs is very effective in preventing the spread of rabies to humans and other animals. Oakland Animal Services does NOT provide rabies vaccines to non-shelter dogs. You must take your dog to a veterinarian or a vaccine clinic to be vaccinated.

What is a Distemper Vaccination?

Canine distemper vaccine is a combination vaccine that includes up to five different vaccines. I recommend the combination vaccination for distemper (generally denoted by the letters DHLPP, DHPP or DA2PP,) which also protects against some other transmittable diseases.

Where can I get my dog licensed?

You can use to license your dog online OR go to Oakland Animal Services during their open hours. Note: you must have proof of rabies vaccination in order to license your pet.

Where can I get my dog micro-chipped?

Oakland Animal Services can microchip Oakland dogs for $10 during open shelter hours, no appointment necessary. You can also have your dog micro-chipped at your veterinarian or local vaccine clinic.

If you, the dog walker, are sick and have to cancel a walk do I get credit back? Will there be someone to fill in for you?

Yes, you will receive credit back for any missed walks that results from my own ill health. I do not get paid sick days off. However, I do try to reschedule walks as much as possible in that case.

No, I do not have anyone available to fill in for me when I am sick (or on vacation).

Do you close on holidays? Do you ever take a vacation? Will I be billed for these closed days?

Yes to all.

Vacation: I am closed the first week of July every year and this is 5 days of paid time off. Yes you will be billed only for the walks that are normally scheduled for that one week despite not receiving the walks. All other vacation time I choose to take during the rest of the year is unpaid and you will not be billed for. You will receive plenty of notice of any additional vacations so that you may make other arrangements if needed. I typically take three additional unpaid weeks off outside of the first week of July. Most likely two of these weeks will be in a row so that thorough relaxation and decompression can happen.

Holidays: All current and future Federal Holidays

are observed and are paid days off as well as a few others listed below.

Federal holidays: if the holiday falls on a Saturday then the closure is on a Friday. If the holiday falls on a Sunday then it is observed that Monday.

Pack members are only billed for holidays they would normally be scheduled for. Changing your walk schedule for a holiday week is not permitted.

(1) New Year’s Day—January 1st

(2) Birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. —-Third Monday in January

(3) President’s Day —-Third Monday in February

(4) Memorial Day —-Last Monday in May

(5) Juneteenth —-June 19th

(6) Independence —-July 4th

Note: Fourth of July falls during my week off of paid vacation already so a bit redundant here

(7) Labor Day —-First Monday in September

(8) Columbus Day —-Second Monday in October

(9) Veterans Day —November 11th

(10) Thanksgiving —-Fourth Thursday in November

(11) Black Friday —- Day after Thanksgiving

(12) Christmas Eve—-December 24th

(13) Christmas Day —-December 25th

If your normally scheduled walk happens to fall on one of these holidays then yes you will be billed as usual despite not receiving the walk. This is a subscription service. If you feel this is unfair or not in your budget then I am probably not the best fit for you. Additionally, providing pack walks on major holidays can be quite unsafe due to the crowds of families and dogs flooding the trails as it is their paid day off. I do often offer dog boarding services for pack members on these major holiday dates, but I recommend booking very far in advance in order to guarantee a reserved spot for these high demand dates.

My dog has injured/killed a cat/wild animal before, but never had issues with other dogs. Can I still become a pack member?


Also, this is important information to disclose to any other potential dog walker so they can make an informed decision. Learn more about the local laws on ‘potentially dangerous and vicious dogs’ here.

If I go out of town and choose not to board my dog with you and instead with a friend/relative who lives in Oakland will you still pick them up for walks?

No. I have agreed to pick up your pup from your home only.

My previously stated cancellation/credit policy above applies for all cancelled walks due to vacation. If you are concerned about missed pack walks then I suggest boarding with me instead. I always give boarding reservation priority to pack members.

Are you a Certified Dog Trainer?

No. However, I have taken several courses, have almost two decades of hands on experience and I only utilize R+ (positive reinforcement) training techniques. I have helped improve the habits, recall and behaviors of many of my pack members, but I do not specialize in Dog Training.

What happens if my dog gets sprayed by a skunk on the walk?

Thankfully this has never happened. If your dog has the ill fortune to get sprayed by a skunk on the pack walk I will immediately end the dog walk, hose them down with whatever water is on hand and do an initial damage control bath. I will then contact you and take your pup immediately to the nearest available groomer. You will be responsible for picking up your dog from the groomer (unless we make prior arrangements which includes a taxi fee) and you are responsible for paying the groomer directly. If there are no available grooming appointments, which is fairly likely, then it will be your responsibility to decontaminate your dog and possibly have to leave work in order to deal with the situation as I will have numerous other dogs to deal with as well as a very stinky van to address.

I just adopted a new dog! Can I join the pack?

Yes, but not right away. After adoption your new dog needs plenty of time to adjust to all the changes and new routines at home. Additionally, it takes months for a dog’s True personality, behaviors or weak points to surface. If your dog is still coming out of it’s shell and learning to trust you how can you provide an accurate history of their aggressive tendencies, fears, triggers or true recall strength? I understand the need to get proper socialization and exercise but adding a dog with too many unknowns is not a risk I am willing to take with my pack’s safety. I prefer to take on new clients who have adopted their dog at least 3 months prior (I may consider 2 months prior for dogs who are under 20 pounds).

You can learn more here and here about the 3-3-3 rule.

Do you allow dogs on prong, choke, or shock collars in your pack?

No. I utilize only positive reinforcement methods (R+).

I do not use ‘balanced’, fear based techniques or punishment tools. Please take the time to learn more at if you are currently using these items. “Need help with your dog’s behavior? Consider taking a private lesson or scheduling a behavior consultation in our Specialty Clinic at SF SPCA (info source credit SF SPCA).”

Why do I need to provide a harness that clips in the back? What is a drag lead?

The pup’s owner must provide a functional harness (which has a ‘back clip’) in order to join the pack. This required equipment must be purchased or provided before service may begin and it must fit appropriately so that the pup can Not wiggle out of it ever. This is a safety issue. The brand ‘Puppia’ sells harnesses that clip in the back and are soft (note: their sizes run at least one size smaller compared to other brands). You can also google ‘no escape dog harness’ and a ton of options will pop up.

How does the Deposit work?

Deposit Due After One Month of Service: Once a successful Free trial walk is completed service for the first paid trial month will begin immediately. If we both feel we are a good fit for one another then Official Pack Membership goes into effect 30 days after the first paid pack walk. A refundable deposit equal to one month of service fees will be due before the second month of service can begin and in order to make Pack Membership official. This deposit will be refunded to you via check or Zelle the day of the last walk once services are terminated. This deposit can not be used as payment for the last month of service. It is a refundable membership fee, that would only be withheld in the case that (1) a client does not follow proper cancellation procedures (see below for those policies) (2) an account becomes delinquent in payment (3) services are terminated before the 6 month service minimum is reached. As stated above I am looking to form long term relationships with pack members who value the training, skill and effort it requires for a new dog to become properly integrated into the pack.

Why are Monthly Oral flea/tick medications (instead of Topical) required? Why are Monthly Heartworm medications required?

I am not a vet. But if you choose to use topical flea/tick meds (instead of topical) this must be disclosed before service begins. Additionally your pup must stay at home the day it is applied as it is a Topical Poison that can be ingested by your dog and others and rubbed all over my van. Oral meds are safer for this reason but do consult your Vet first.

Heartworm medications Prevent your dog from contracting heartworms which can be fatal. It’s less expensive to prevent canine heartworm disease than it is to treat it.